Sharing Family Stories

Sharing Family Stories of Loss and Love… on Wanted, Chosen, Planned

Sharing stories is so important. We live in a culture that gobbles up well-told stories – from novels to comics to movies and theatre. Stories are not only at the heart of our culture but also of our families. We share generational recipes, the history of our ancestry and time honoured traditions.

So why is it hard for us as a society to talk about our losses?family_silhouettes_wanted chosen planned
Being open and vulnerable with our feelings around love and loss can be incredibly healing. Bottling up emotions can lead to stress and the breakdown of communication. Authentic communication, from the heart, can be a comfort to the isolation of grief. Plus, our children matter, both those with us and those that live on in spirit.

Here are some reasons to communicate about our losses, even when it’s hard.


Sharing our stories:

  • Celebrates the life of our child or children
  • Acknowledges what happened and why it matters
  • Builds community so no one must suffer in silence
  • Is an emotional release, a breath of fresh air
  • Removes the stigma around miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, early infant loss and other types of death in children
  • Allows us to be our most authentic selves by embracing our experiences
  • Gives us a place to continue forward from


I love sharing family stories here on Wanted, Chosen, Planned.

I invite contributions from bereaved mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings and friends.

Everyone has a story. We are stronger together when we communicate in love and honesty.

To share your story here, please email


Alexis Marie Chute

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