“Brave New Normal” Documentary, View the Trailer Today on International Bereaved Mother’s Day

Today is a remembrance day that many do not know about unless they have experienced the death of a child. International Bereaved Mother’s Day is virtually unpublicized or acknowledged – and only partially so, I believe, because of the lack of consumer-targeted marketing by big gift companies.


The larger issue may spur from the difficult nature of the day itself. Mother’s Day is seen in a positive light, but bereaved motherhood is not all roses and chocolates.  


Mothers who have miscarried, had a stillbirth or another type of early infant loss – or even those who have survived the death of a grown child – often find themselves within a society where their grief is misunderstood.


Historically, how are we taught to respond to things we do not understand or that make us uncomfortable?


Silence. Avoidance. All the things that shut down the conversation on important subjects.


This reaction needs to change.

Openness and honesty in dialogue around loss will benefit everyone.


Please join me today in honouring all Mothers whose children have died and let’s celebrate the precious lives not with us.


Visit Celebrating Sweeties here on Wanted Chosen Planned. There you will find beautiful children whose lives matter tremendously. They are the reason I write this blog. If you would like your Sweetie added, please email me info@alexismariechute.com with a picture (if you have one), your child’s name and birth/death date(s).


I encourage everyone to reflect on their own feelings and discomfort with the often taboo subject of child-loss. Are there ways we all can take a more compassionate approach?


It is also my privilege today to launch the trailer for the documentary:


Five Mothers Break the Silence on Baby Loss

Click here to view the trailer on YouTube.


My plan was to have the whole documentary completed for today, yet I underestimated the joys (and challenges) of video editing. A big THANK YOU to my husband, Aaron Chute, for his tireless work on BRAVE NEW NORMAL. Keep checking back here on Wanted Chosen Planned for updates on the official launch of the full film (subscribe by clicking here to receive email notifications).


Brave New Normal Documentary trailer image Wanted chosen planned Alexis Marie Chute blog


Please share the documentary trailer and comment below the video on YouTube. Also, comment here on Wanted Chosen Planned: share your story, make observations or reflections, and unearth your heartaches and joys. Many bereaved Moms search online for just such comfort – and to know they are not alone. The more awareness we can bring to the celebration of bereaved Moms and their kids, the more truly helpful support they will receive in the very difficult aftermath of their losses. Finally, join me on Twittter using the hashtags #stillamom and #babyloss.


If your child has died, please be gentle and kind to yourself, both today and always.


What is your story? What helped you along the way?


If you know someone without one or more of their kids, please consider doing an act of thoughtfulness for them. You would not believe what a difference you can make in someone’s life.


If you are in the role of supporting the bereaved, what have you observed? What are effective ways to show compassion?


As always, I leave you with this thought: We are stronger together.


Thank you for reading!




Alexis Marie




  1. Bereaved Dads Needed for Documentary - Wanted, Chosen, Planned - […] Brave New Normal, View the Trailer […]

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